"Tis strange - but true; for truth is always strange, stranger than fiction…”
The events in Murder on the Abarenda, fit that statement well. For it would be quite difficult to craft such a tragic tale, so detrimental to a family.
The initial focus of the book concerns the heinous murder that took place on board the United States Navy collier Abarenda in 1908. It soon comes to light that the brutal death of the ship’s second in command was but one of a series of terrible tragedies that befell a family.
On the surface, Murder on the Abarenda appears to be a whodunit mystery story, in fact, it is anything but that.
In their day, each of those incidents quickly became sensationalized stories in newspapers across the country.
With the passage of time, those events slipped into obscurity - until now.
Murder on the ABARENDA
... is the prequel to U.S.S. CYCLOPS